Saturday, November 16, 2013

Out Of Dulac, Louisiana Coast 2013

Pat fishing Louisiana coast line 12 miles out from Dulac la. "Real nice weather slight wind from the north , we used various artificial baits but mainly fresh gulf shrimp had a great time on this trip."
Brother Tim with a nice Red fish one of several fish caught on today's fishing trip.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hunting: 1st Elk Hunt Camp with Catahoula mascot, Oregon

Oregon hunting and camping Trip

Little Bear #1 mascot.

Introducing Cloe, 5 month Catahoula, team mascot.  

Rachael H. our Comic Strip Illustrator and Mascot entertainer.
Hunt, walks in the woods, heavy brush, even clear cut areas challenging on the move.  Big Bull spotted, Hunter and Elk made eye contact at the same instance.  Not a clear shot.  Next year.