Checking out the fiber and locks of The White alpaca fleece. China Doll is her name.
Next, Take a photo. (We humans are not like monkeys)
Nope, not going for it. Not going to cooperate, going to settle in right here. China Doll takes her moment.
Three as a team, One to stand up and hold her neck, Two to shear evenly and Three to skirt into the holding basket. It was a joy to witness the professionalism of people working together with China Doll, the beautiful White alpaca.
The side fleece flowed off China Doll with the skilled shearers clippers, and the shimmer and shine of her fiber growth, falls like a waterfall.
After buzzing the sides, the alpaca is grabbed firmly by the tail, and Randy smoothing out the animal as the rest of this story is pictured in the camera's frame. Visitors come to watch and learn by seeing for themselves, smelling the green of the valley of this country life.
Making a swatch with the clippers, another photo shoot to add to the collection.
Nope done my acting bit, Just holding out, to hold out.
All right, one more smile for the camera. Thank you to Wings and a Prayer Alpaca Farm for having us out.
Angela Jane photo...reporting.
Thank you to Randy, Barbara and Junior.