Thursday, May 31, 2012

Honda Triplets, Hillsboro, Oregon: Police Motercycle Cruisers

The ultimate adventure road trip is seeing and not being pulled over by these road machines. Following the speed signs helps safety for everyone and these two wheelers help us to remind to slow down and enjoy the ride.   I like riding two up myself, so I took a wishful note from my memories, away  from my paperwork when the first cycle pulled in and parked.  Back to writing,  then hearing the second one pull in, I looking up and commented "Twins!" by the time the third parked I had to take a photo of these triplets for this newsletter.
 P.S.  I did ask first.
Angela Jane....reporting.

Later I called an old friend and said "You know you're getting older, when  you see the cops at McDonalds.... My friend cut me off and said very excitedly...."They're  serving Donuts at McDonalds now!?"    I was speechless, because my thought was - kids, go for happy meals, at McDonalds, and the cops where much younger than my friend an I.  So much for me pulling that joke off or my friend realizing how long we have lived.

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