A: When you are the Worm.
Bobby the Worm & Dave the red-tailed Hawk "It was this BIG......!!!"
How to talk like a fisherman, without props: Tell your fish story and drama the size. Yet, to Bobby, the fish was bigger then he could spread his little arms. |
The Adventures of Fuzzy & Spider "Camping after dark"
We drove down from the lake on the gravel mountain side road in the dark. I turned in to Spruce Run campground. It was off season, so plenty of campsites. Spiders' official chance to maintain the fire for light and fuzzy putting up a tent. I last put it up 22 years ago backcountry when I put in some volunteer time in the Stanislaus mountains with Terrence's CCC backcountry trail crew. |
Willie the Wooly Sheep "Shearing day"
Willie is our home farm watcher. He trims himself up for the rest of the flock. Given the chance Willie, always has and will have, his own style.
Illustrated By Rachael H.
Published by Angela Jane Howard |
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